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THASC Events

May 2023

20230527 THASC Annual Gala BBQ Flyer PG1.jpg

Description: After much anticipation, the Taiwanese Hakka Association of Southern California cordially invites everyone to attend their 2023 Annual Gala BBQ. Gather together with old friends and make new friends too! Election will take place promptly followed by a fun afternoon of good eats and relaxing socialization. BBQ will be provided but potluck is encouraged so that attendees can showcase their best dishes. 

THASC 2023 Annual Gala BBQ

27 May (Sat)

10:30am - 3:00pm

Pathfinder Community Regional Park
18150 E. Pathfinder Rd. , Rowland Heights, CA 91748

Open to public

Hosted by: THASC

March 2021


Hosted by: THASC

Description: The Taiwanese Hakka Association of Southern California Choir invites everyone to attend their 2021 Virtual Spring Concert! Our choir members have prepared some popular Hakka songs for everyone to enjoy. Feel free to sing along!


1. Zoom:

Meeting number: 214 851 5362

不須 Meeting password

2. Facebook Live:

Facebook Event Page

THASC Spring Hakka Choir Concert

30 March (Tues)

6:00pm - 8:00pm

FREE to public

September 2020

20200930 THASC Hakka Cooking Event.png

Hosted by: CCTECO Santa Ana,  THASC

Description: Join the Taiwanese Hakka Association for their first virtual cooking demonstration! Our three chefs will be demonstrating some of their favorite Hakka dishes to share with you all. Tune in on Webex, Zoom, or Facebook Live!



參加方式 (遠距線上,不需報名):

1. Webex:

Meeting number : 126 611 1988

Meeting password: 0930

2. Zoom:

Meeting number: 214 851 5362

不須 Meeting password

3. Facebook Live:

Facebook Event Page

THASC Hakka Cooking Demo


30 September (Wed)

2:00pm - 4:00pm

FREE to public

March 2019

2019 03-02 THASC Hakka Gala Flyer 1.jpg

Description: Celebrate the New Year with the Taiwanese Hakka Association of Southern California 南加州台灣客家會 (THASC) as we host our 2019 Hakka Gala on 03/02/2019! There will be food, entertainment, performances, karaoke, and raffle prizes! 美食, 娛樂, 舞蹈, 合唱團表演,卡拉OK, 抽獎, 節目精彩! We've prepared a delicious menu: whole roasted pig 烤乳豬, roasted duck 烤鴨, rotisserie chicken 烤雞, hakka rice noodles 客家粄條, longevity soup 長年菜湯, hakka stir-fried noodles 客家炒麵, mochi 麻糬, vegetables 蔬菜, and more! Enjoy an afternoon with new and old friends and family. Admission is FREE with potluck and donations are welcome: 501(c)3 EIN: 47-2336989.

Facebook Event Page

Photo Gallery

2019 THASC Hakka Gala 客家會年會

 March (Sat)

11:00am - 3:00pm

Open to public

Hosted by: THASC

June 2018

Description: Join the Taiwanese Hakka Association of Southern California 南加州台灣客家會 (THASC) for a fun-filled afternoon on 06/30/18 (Saturday) as we celebrate with a Dragon Boat Festival BBQ (端午節烤肉)! 

🐉 We will also be hosting a Hakka Food Contest (客家美食比賽) so bring your best dish to compete for bragging rights and win PRIZES! 歡迎參加客家美食比賽!
🐉 Learn how to make tasty authentic Hakka Banzhong!
🐉 Listen to the Hakka language through Hakka Folk songs (客家山歌)!
🐉 There will be lots of raffles and games - don't miss out!

Facebook Event Page

THASC Dragon Boat Festival BBQ
端午節烤肉 + 客家美食比賽

30 June (Sat)

10:00am - 3:00pm


Hosted by: THASC

April 2018

Description: Come with the Taiwanese Hakka Association of Southern California on a fun San Diego Day Trip! Enjoy karaoke on the bus as we take the scenic route from Los Angeles to San Diego, interact with the sea lions on the beach, and tour famous attractions like Old Town San Diego and more!

Tentative Itinerary:
La Jolla -------60Min----10:00-11:00
Old Town --- 70 Min---11:20- 12:30
Great Plaza --60 Min---13:15-14:15
Balboa Park --60 Min---14:40-15:40
Harbor -------60 Min----16:00-17:00

RSVP *Seats limited*


Contact for RSVP: THASC Vice President Jacob Hsu

(626) 274-1588

Facebook Event Page

THASC San Diego Day Trip

28 April (Sat)

For pick up locations, please see flyer


Hosted by: THASC

March 2017

Hosted by: Taiwanese Hakka Association of Southern California

Description: Join the Taiwanese Hakka Association of Southern California for a fun afternoon of food and entertainment to celebrate the new year! Tickets are $5 per person. Please see flyer for more details.

方式 : 午餐由客家會統籌準備,並包括  
            糍粑 、 米飯、 飲料和水果等。 
            參加者每人酌收 $5元或自由樂捐。
節日 : 客家合唱、鋼琴及二胡演奏、舞蹈


Event Flyer

THASC 2017 年會聚餐

18 March (Sat)

10:30am -2:30pm


September 2016

Hosted by: Taiwanese Hakka Association of Southern California 

Description: Experience and learn about the Hakka culture through music and song. Interactive lessons hosted every Wednesday 3:30PM-5:30PM by the Taiwanese Hakka Association of Southern California. This is the first class after summer break!

THASC Hakka Choir

7 September 2016 (Wed)


FREE to public

Hosted by: Taiwanese Hakka Association of Southern California

Description: Join THASC for a fun barbeque with family and friends in celebration of the Mid-Autumn Moon Festival! It will be POTLUCK style so don't forget to bring a dish! FREE event, everyone is welcome! See Event Flyer for more details.

方式:Pot Luck,請每戶帶一道拿手佳餚美食,本會將準備烤 肉、飲料、麻糬、水果及綠豆椪代替月餅。 

Event Flyer

THASC Mid-Autumn Moon Festival BBQ 


17 September 2016 (Sat)

10:00am - 3:00pm

FREE to public, POTLUCK

August 2016

Hosted by: Hsin Lei Dance Academy 欣蕾舞蹈藝術中心, Taiwanese Hakka Association of Southern California

Description: Representing Hsin-Chu County, the Hakka culture, and Taiwan on the international stage, the Hsin Lei Dance Academy will be performing a variety of artistic pieces at the Cultural Center of TECO in Los Angeles. This event is FREE to the public!

Event Flyer

About Hsin Lei Dance Academy 

Hsin Lei Dance Academy Website

Photo Gallery Part 1

Photo Gallery Part 2

Youtube: Video of the performance

Hsin Lei Dance Academy Performance

17 August 2016 (Wed)


Cultural Center of TECO in Los Angeles

9443 Telstar Ave.

El Monte, CA 91731, U.S.A.

FREE to public

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