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Past Events - 2016

December 2016

Hosted by: Taiwan Philharmonic (National Symphony Orchestra), Taiwan Academy, Ministry of Culture

Description: One of Asia's leading orchestras, the Taiwan Philharmonic makes its U.S. debut in Costa Mesa—an exclusive U.S. appearance—performing Tchaikovsky’s Fifth Symphony and works by two Taiwanese composers: Chun-Wei Lee and the late Tyzen Hsiao, whose compositional style earned him the international reputation of “Taiwan’s Rachmaninoff.”

Acclaimed violinist Cho-Liang Lin joins the orchestra for Hsiao’s Violin Concerto, which was premiered by Lin with the San Diego Symphony in 1992. Culturally significant as the first violin concerto in Taiwan’s history, the work incorporates lush melodies and elements of Taiwanese folk songs. This performance will also feature the world premiere of Chun-Wei Lee’s The Last Mile, which pays tribute to Taiwan’s indigenous tribes with its use of a Taiwanese aboriginal folk theme.


For more information:

Facebook Event

Taiwan Philharmonic

(NSO國家交響樂團) North America Tour

12 December 2016 (Mon) 


Renée and Henry Segerstrom Concert Hall

615 Town Center Dr., Costa Mesa, CA 92626


Hosted by: Culture Center of TECO in LA

Description: 洛杉磯華僑文教服務中心訂於12月13日(星期二)上午11時30分在華埠圖書閱覽室(地址:963 N. Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90012, USA)舉辦「光陰的故事」台灣眷村文化講座,活動由中華民國空軍子弟學校旅美加校友聯誼會介紹1949年至1960年台灣的眷村故事,並邀請在李安導演電影「少年Pi的奇幻漂流」(Life of Pi)擔任美食總監的林慧懿老師講解台灣的眷村菜特色,結合洛杉磯地區僑營台灣美食標章餐廳「咪咪五波比」準備的牛肉麵、台式涼麵及蔥油餅,透過台灣獨特的眷村文化講座,增進大家對台灣的認識。該項活動是洛杉磯華僑文教服務中心在華埠圖書閱覽室舉辦的第15場講座,活動豐富、精彩。


For more information, visit their Facebook Event Page:


13 December 2016 (Tues) 


Reading Room of CCTECO in LA

963 N. Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90012

FREE to public

October 2016

Hosted by: Asian Professional Exchange

Description: The APEX Leadership Conference is a career development conference dedicated to Asian Pacific American professionals in Los Angeles. Event workshops include developing leadership skills, career advancement and networking. The conference draws professionals from various industries, such as tech, entertainment, finance and many others. Participants can take advantage of the leadership conference to expand their network, showcase their skills and provide opportunities for career success.


Get your tickets early! Register for tickets here.
Early bird ($50) ticketing ends 9/22


Interested in volunteering? Please sign up here:

Facebook Event

2016 APEX Leadership Conference:

Reinvent Redefine Rediscover

1 October 2016 (Sat)

11:00am - 4:00pm


Description: 台大校友會將於今年10月2日于爾灣湖景老人中心旁的麥克華德公園舉辦慶祝中華民國105 年雙十國慶升旗典禮. 歡迎各界人士參加觀禮.
台大校友會去年雙十第一次在橙縣試辦升旗典禮,獲得各方好評.許多來自台灣的僑民說多年未見升旗及唱國歌,感動得落淚. 今年有多位華僑及橙縣校友在八月就開始詢問今年是否續辦. 為不讓大家失望,並本著對中華民國台灣的熱愛,台大校友會決定今年擴大辦此升旗典禮.並邀請成大校友會,政大校友會,及東海校友會協辦.
 中華旗隊是協助升旗典禮最主要的組織.他們不僅帶來升旗用的旗桿及中美國旗,並帶來許多插旗及帳棚以應需要. 台大舞龍隊將由他們的青年團旗舞隊帶領出場. 南加州北一女校友儀隊的表演也是另一個高潮. 除此之外, 爾灣銀髮族口琴隊及南加州建中校友合唱團也將帶來精采的表演. 升旗的另一看點是施放和平鴿.由於爾灣市不准許放汽球,台大校友會不惜重金租來和平鴿,希望這個升旗典禮能給來賓帶來難忘的回憶. 典禮會在切蛋糕及大合照中結束. 來賓除蛋糕外, 還有春捲,紙包雞等小點可食用. 華興保險提供150 份贈品,先到先得. 大會還有募來的獎品作抽獎用.
此次升旗活動,除台大校友會主辦外,另有多位心繫台灣的僑委及僑界成功人士給予捐助才得以辦成.台大校友會會長胡安瀅說,升旗典禮後大家可留在公園野餐,像慶祝7 月4 日美國國慶一般.公園面對爾灣木橋區的北湖,風景幽美,是一家人歡度一個國慶周末的好去處.

Event Flyer

Photo Gallery

Double Tenth National Day Orange County Flag-raising Ceremony 雙十國慶橙縣升旗典禮

October 2016 (Sun)


Mike Ward Park, Irvine Lakeview Senior Center

20 Lake Road, Irvine, CA 92620

FREE to public

Description: Join 鄭錦家醫生 for an informative medical seminar on general prevention and treatment of major diseases such as cancer, dementia, cataracts, diabetes, arthritis, heart disease, hypertension, osteoporosis, Parkinson's disease, and stroke. 



Event Flyer

Facebook Event

Taiwan International Western Medical Health Seminar (General Prevention and Treatment of Major Diseases)臺灣國際醫療西醫健康講座 (一般重大疾病的預防與治療)

2 October 2016 (Sun)

2:30pm - 4:30pm

Culture Center of TECO in Santa Ana

2901 W. MacArthur Blvd., Suite 115, Santa Ana, CA 92704

FREE to public

Hosted by: NAMI, Pacific Clinics

Description: The Annual Georgia Shatford Memorial Lecture Series presents "Helping Your Family Member With a Mental Illness: Moving Toward Recovery". Come learn the latest evidence-based information presented by Dr. Michael Di Paolo! This event is FREE to the public.

Topic: Anxious and Depressed: Coping with Our Culture’s Two Most Pervasive Mental Health Issues

Event Flyer

Helping Your Family Member with a Mental Illness Lecture Series "Anxious and Depressed: Coping with Our Culture’s Two Most Pervasive Mental Health Issues"

October 2016 (Tues)

7:00pm - 9:00pm

Pacific Clinics’ Wilson Auditorium

2471 E. Walnut Street, Pasadena

FREE to public

Hosted by: OCCACC

Description: Join the Orange County Chinese American Chamber of Commerce for their New Members Orientation Karaoke Mixer! Please see the Event Flyer for more details.


敬邀所有 OCCACC 會員與朋友們一起參加 10月的新會員歡迎會。
大家一起享受美食, 卡拉OK, 把酒言歡, 聯絡感情, 開創商機。
新會員歡迎會 / New Members Orientation Mixer / 凱悅軒

RSVP: or Rose Liu 949-231-9496

Event Flyer

OCCACC New Members Orientation Karaoke Mixer 橙縣華人商會/卡拉OK聯歡/凱悅軒

6 October 2016 (Thurs)


凱悅軒 J. Zhou Oriental Cuisine

2601 Park Ave, Tustin, CA 92782

Tickets, RSVP

Hosted by: Taiwan Benevolent Association of Orange County

Description: Celebrate the 105th Double Ten National Day with patriotic singing and keynote speaker, Peter Chiang!

星光燦爛慶雙十  國慶茶會活動

2016年10月8日 (星期六)  1:50PM
祥獅獻瑞 專題演講 愛國歌曲演唱 茶點招待 摸彩活動


Event Flyer

Photo Gallery

105th Double Ten National Day Tea Celebration 星光燦爛慶雙十  國慶茶會活動

October 2016 (Sat)


Culture Center of TECO in Santa Ana

2901 W. MacArthur Blvd., Suite 115, Santa Ana, CA 92704

FREE to public

Hosted by: NAAAP- Southern California

Description: Learn the process that has helped our members stand out above the crowd. Whether you're looking for a new career, new partnerships or new friendships, we've got you covered. The event will be hosted at First Team Estates next to Fashion Island in Newport Beach in a fun and friendly environment.

Event Parking is completely free. Cost to attend is free for members, $10 for non-members.

Facebook Event

NAAAP: How to Sell Yourself, Without Selling Your Soul

11 October 2016 (Tues)

6:30pm - 9:00pm

Open to public

Hosted by: NAMI, Pacific Clinics

Description: The Annual Georgia Shatford Memorial Lecture Series presents "Helping Your Family Member With a Mental Illness: Moving Toward Recovery". Come learn the latest evidence-based information presented by Dr. Michael Di Paolo and Guest Presenter, Christie Tcharkhoutian, LMFT! This event is FREE to the public.

Topic: What’s Food Got to Do With It? Understanding Eating Disorders: Contributing Factors, Complexities & Treatment Options

Event Flyer

Helping Your Family Member with a Mental Illness Lecture Series "What’s Food Got to Do With It? Understanding Eating Disorders: Contributing Factors, Complexities & Treatment Options"

11 October 2016 (Tues)

7:00pm - 9:00pm

Pacific Clinics’ Wilson Auditorium

2471 E. Walnut Street, Pasadena

FREE to public

Hosted by: NAMI, Pacific Clinics

Description: The Annual Georgia Shatford Memorial Lecture Series presents "Helping Your Family Member With a Mental Illness: Moving Toward Recovery". Come learn the latest evidence-based information presented by Dr. Michael Di Paolo! This event is FREE to the public.

Topic: The Family as Allies: Helpful Family Skills

Event Flyer

Helping Your Family Member with a Mental Illness Lecture Series "The Family as Allies: Helpful Family Skills"

18 October 2016 (Tues)

7:00pm - 9:00pm

Pacific Clinics’ Wilson Auditorium

2471 E. Walnut Street, Pasadena

FREE to public

Hosted by: Overseas Chinese Business Network (Taiwan)

Description: 僑務委員會於105年10月8日起至11月25日辦理「僑商網明信片傳情」活動,以臺灣美食與古蹟及景點為主題,邀請僑胞朋友線上挑選喜歡的明信片,留下想給親友之問候與祝福,讓身處在海外的僑胞們能藉此與親友聯繫情感,並有機會獲得行動電源等多項精美獎品。


For more information, visit their website

Event Flyer

Facebook Event

OCBN Postcard Drawing

October 2016 - 25 November 2016

FREE to public

Hosted by: TUF, TAP-LA

Description: Partnering with Taiwanese American Professionals – Los Angeles (TAP-LA) and WeWork Fine Arts Building, Taiwanese United Fund (TUF) is proud to present “Cultivating the Entrepreneurial Spirit”, an event centered around connecting successful entrepreneurs who have established themselves within their respective industries with those that seek to venture into entrepreneurship. We hope that this forum will be a resource for developing and fostering new entrepreneurs in our community and also, be an interactive experience that will allow them to ask questions and find out more about what it’s like to “be your own boss” and more importantly, “follow your passion”. This event is FREE! Light refreshments will be served.


Please RSVP on EventBrite:

Facebook Event

Abt: “Cultivating the Entrepreneurial Spirit” Forum

27 October 2016 (Thurs)

6:00pm - 8:00pm

FREE to public

September 2016

Hosted by: Taiwanese Hakka Association of Southern California 

Description: Experience and learn about the Hakka culture through music and song. Interactive lessons hosted every Wednesday 3:30PM-5:30PM by the Taiwanese Hakka Association of Southern California. This is the first class after summer break!

THASC Hakka Choir

7 September 2016 (Wed)


FREE to public

Hosted by: Foundation for Disabled Youths

Description: The Foundation of Disabled Youths is hosting a benefit walk, led by Taiwanese Olympic Track & Field medalist Chi Cheng (9am-11am), followed by a benefit concert performed by FFDY and NEUMA Chamber Music (2pm-4pm)! Please see the Event Flyer and Facebook event page for more details.

For tickets, please call (626) 968-2169

Event Flyer (English) / Event Flyer (中文)

Facebook Event

FFDY Benefit Walk & Concert

10 September 2016 (Sat)

9:00am - 4:00pm

Benefit Walk:

Whittier Narrows Park

540 Durfee Ave.
South El Monte, CA 91733


Benefit Concert: University of the West

1409 Walnut Grove Ave.
Rosemead, CA 91770


Hosted by: South Coast Chinese Cultural Association - Irvine Chinese School, World Journal

Description: Join the Irvine Chinese School for a fun day of performances, moon cake tasting, and other exciting events to celebrate the upcoming Moon Festival! See the Event Flyers for details.


Event Flyer 1

Event Flyer 2

Photo Gallery

Irvine Moon Festival 爾灣中秋文化節 / 園遊會

10 September 2016 (Sat)

3:00pm - 8:00pm

Irvine Chinese School

9 Truman, Irvine, CA 92620

FREE to public

Hosted by: NATMA Taiwanese Health Professionals - Southern California Chapter

Description: Join NATMA for their annual banquet at Pacific Palms Resort! Ticket prices are $80 for practicing physicians & $40 for those still in training. For those of you who'd like to sit at a 2G table, it's best to purchase tickets from a 2G board member. Check the Facebook event page for the schedule of events!

Facebook Event

NATMA 2016 Banquet

10 September 2016 (Sat)

6:00pm - 9:00pm


Hosted by: Taiwanese American Cultural Society of California

Description: As a part of the Four Seasons Cultural Movie Series, the Taiwanese American Cultural Society of California presents the 2010 fall film: "Seven Days in Heaven" (父後七日). The movie will be followed by a deep discussion of the topics presented in the movie.


To learn more about the movie, visit:

Event Flyer

Four Seasons Cultural Movie Event: "Seven Days in Heaven" (父後七日)

11 September 2016 (Sun)


Culture Center of TECO in Santa Ana

2901 W. MacArthur Blvd., Suite 115, Santa Ana, CA 92704

FREE to public

Hosted by: Orange County Chinese Chamber of Commerce

Description: Join the Orange County Chinese Chamber of Commerce and their honorary speakers for an informative seminar on earthquake disaster prevention! This event is FREE and open to the public. 


1.“加州地震成因、危害和評估”- 郦永刚博士 / 南加大/ 地球科学系教授及南加地震研究中心研究員

2.“美國房屋抗震設計以及旧房加固改造” - 张晓哲博士 / 洛杉矶市房屋管理設計审查结构工程師

3.“地震與城市供水” - 胡建平博士 / 洛杉矶市水电局水系统岩土與地震工程師

4.“應對地震的做法” - 颜利平博士 / 洛杉矶市水電局电系统岩土與地震工程師


OCCACC Earthquake Disaster Prevention Seminar 橙縣華人商會 / 地震防災講座

11 September 2016 (Sun)


Irvine Lakeview Senior Center

20 Lake Road, Irvine, CA 92604

FREE to public

Hosted by: NAAAP - Southern California

Description: Everyone talks. Few listen. Less understand.

Research says we have less than 10 seconds to capture someone's attention before they lose interest. Are you really ready to answer, "What do you do?" In this 60 minute interactive workshop, Rebecca Okamoto will show you how write an engaging personal brand introduction and use it to your advantage. Tickets are $15 for non-members, $10 for NAAAP members and NAAAP sponsors.


Register here, space is limited to the first 60 people:

***Event will be in room 225 at the University of Phoenix La Palma***

Facebook Event

NAAAP Workshop: "The Perfect Introduction: How to say what you do in 20 words or less"

13 September 2016 (Tues)

6:30pm - 8:30pm

University of Phoenix La Palma Room #225

6 Centerpointe Dr, La Palma, California 90623


Description: The Asian Coalition would like to invite you to their next meeting with honorary guest speaker, Julianne Sumiko Hines. Due to limited space, RSVP is required!

About the speaker: Julianne Sumiko Hines has served the San Gabriel Valley for over a decade, working to make resources available and to preserve rights for those who are often marginalized. Having earned her Master of Social Work degree from the University of Southern California, she understands the importance of mental health education and support and is excited to engage with the Asian Coalition. See the Event Flyer to learn more!

Event Flyer

Facebook Event

RSVP through Eventbrite

Asian Coalition features Guest Speaker Julianne Sumiko Hines: Profiles of Courage & Resilience

Hosted by: Asian Coalition

16 September 2016 (Fri)

1:00pm - 3:30pm

LACDMH Arcadia Mental Health Center

330 E. Live Oak Ave. Arcadia, CA 91006

FREE to public

Hosted by: Taiwanese Hakka Association of Southern California

Description: Join THASC for a fun barbeque with family and friends in celebration of the Mid-Autumn Moon Festival! It will be POTLUCK style so don't forget to bring a dish! FREE event, everyone is welcome! See Event Flyer for more details.

方式:Pot Luck,請每戶帶一道拿手佳餚美食,本會將準備烤 肉、飲料、麻糬、水果及綠豆椪代替月餅。 

Event Flyer

Photo Gallery

THASC Mid-Autumn Moon Festival BBQ 


17 September 2016 (Sat)

10:00am - 3:00pm

FREE to public, POTLUCK

Hosted by: String and Bamboo Orchestra, Chinese American Association of Walnut

Description: String and Bamboo Orchestra, in collaboration with Chinese American Association of Walnut, is hosting a night of classical Chinese music to celebrate the Moon Festival and honor the Chinese cultural heritage. Admission is FREE!


Reserve your tickets online at:

Event Flyer

Moon Festival Concert

17 September 2016 (Sat)

6:30pm - 8:30pm

Mt. San Antonio College Clarke Theater

110 N. Grand Ave., Walnut, CA, 91789

FREE to public, Reserve Tickets

Hosted by: 柑縣台美商會, 柑縣台灣醫師及牙醫師公會, 橙縣華人商會, 橙縣華人獅子會, 柑縣台灣同鄉會

Description: The 柑縣台美商會, 柑縣台灣醫師及牙醫師公會, 橙縣華人商會, 橙縣華人獅子會, and 柑縣台灣同鄉會 will be hosting the 12th annual Orange County Mid-Autumn Festival celebration! Join in on a fun afternoon of karaoke!

Event Flyer

Photo Gallery

Orange County Mid-Autumn Festival: Love of Taiwan Concert 

橙縣歡樂中秋 / 台灣之愛音樂會

18 September 2016 (Sun)


Culture Center of TECO in Santa Ana

2901 W. MacArthur Blvd., Suite 115, Santa Ana, CA 92704

FREE to public

Hosted by: Asian American Professional Association

Description: A full-day leadership event (including Keynotes, Idea Talks, Panel Discussions, and an Achievement Awards Gala). Hear from 20 distinguished speakers who will discuss the business value of a multicultural workforce, critical leadership skills, and strategies to expand diverse leadership. 

RSVP by August 19th!

Facebook Event

AAPA 2016 Leadership Symposium

23 September 2016 (Fri)

11:00am - 8:30pm


Hosted by: FAPA OC

Description: FAPA OC has arranged and brought to you the movie " Wansei Back Home 灣生回家". Seating is limited as it can accommodate up to 132.  First come, first serve! The entrance is FREE, your donation is welcome. 

Note: If you live outside the Laguna Woods and plan to attend this event, please Nicolas Wu or the other contacts know by this coming Monday (9/19), so we can put your first name in the list for the gate entry. When you come to gates 9 or 10, tell the attendant your first name and attend the event in the Club House 6.

Event Flyer

FAPA OC Movie Premiere of "Wansei Back Home" 灣生回家

24 September 2016 (Sat)

9:30am - 11:00am

FREE to public

Hosted by: City of Irvine

Description: The city of Irvine is hosting its annual Global Village Festival! This multicultural event features international cuisine, live entertainment, a kids village with crafts and activities, cultural and religious exhibits and an international marketplace. Festival admission and parking are FREE!

For more details, visit:

Event Flyer

Irvine Global Village Festival

24 September 2016 (Sat)

10:00am - 6:00pm

FREE to public

Hosted by: NAAAP OC

Description: NAAAP OC will be hosting a potluck picnic at William R. Mason Regional Park located in Irvine, CA. Our reserved campsite, Shelter #03, will be perched in front of a beautiful waterfront lake with an over arched bridge for a picture perfect sunset view! Members and nonmembers alike are welcome, even pets can join in the fun! For those who cannot decide on what to bring, we kindly ask you to donate $5.00 to the picnic event. See the Facebook page for more details!

Facebook Event

NAAAP OC Fall Kickoff Picnic Potluck

24 September 2016 (Sat)

11:00am - 3:00pm

William R. Mason Regional Park Shelter #03
18712 University Dr., Irvine, California 92612

FREE to public, POTLUCK

August 2016

Description: Join the Irvine Chinese School's Book Club for an open discussion among the second generation youth on the topics of life and "disruptive mood management". They will be reading Destructive Emotions by Daniel Goleman.

也許你/妳會有興趣此次之討論會,小弟歡迎諸友來共同探討、分享人生。時間是這個星期三 8/3/2016,7 pm at 南海岸中文學校 2 F, 207 教室。

Irvine Chinese School Book Club

August 2016 (Wed)


South Coast Irvine

Chinese School Room 207

9 Truman St, Irvine, CA 92620

FREE to public

Hosted by: Irvine Chinese School

Hosted by: 2016 PONY Baseball Bronco League World Series

Description: Come support the Chinese Taipei PONY baseball team (under age 14) in the 2016 PONY Baseball Bronco League World Series!!! The Chinese Taipei team WON 9-1 against the South Zone Champion on August 5, WON 10-0 against Los Alamitos on August 6, WON 17-5 against Los Alamitos on August 7, and will be playing in the FINALS against Puerto Rico on August 8 at 7:00PM! 加油!!!

Update: CONGRATULATIONS to the Chinese Taipei PONY baseball team for being the 2016 PONY Baseball Bronco League World Series Champion!!! They WON 4-0 against Puerto Rico. 

Tickets are $8/day for ages 13 and over, $5/day for children 5-12 and children under 5 are free.

For more information, contact:

Duane Townsend - (714) 883-9000

Bronco World Series Website

Photo Gallery Day 1 (August 5)

Photo Gallery Day 2 (August 6)

Photo Gallery Day 3 Semifinals (August 7)

Photo Gallery Day 4 Finals (August 8)

2016 PONY Baseball Bronco League World Series

5-8 August 2016

Los Alamitos Youth Baseball (LAYB)

4370 Farquhar Ave
Los Alamitos, CA 90720


Description: Enjoy a relaxing evening with a FREE outdoors movie event hosted by Movie Picnic Night! New movies shown every Saturday!

Facebook Event

Movie Picnic Night - 剩者為王 The Last Women Standing

Hosted by: Movie Picnic Night - 夏夜星空電影院

August 2016 (Sat)

5:30pm Doors Open

6:00pm Music/Picnic

8:00pm Movie

FREE to public

Description: The Asian Coalition would like to invite you to their next meeting with honorary guest speaker, Leo Lishi Huang. Due to limited space, RSVP is required! Lunch will be provided courtesy of the LA County Department of Mental Health.

About the speaker: Leo Lishi Huang is an emerging leader for mental health awareness, holding a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from UC Berkeley. Although Leo struggled with past addictions with substance abuse and was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder in 2011, Leo is able to serve his Asian and Pacific Islander American (APIA) communities as a Peer Advocate for the Asian Pacific Counseling and Treatment Center (APCTC) in Los Angeles. See the Event Flyer to learn more!

Event Flyer

RSVP through Eventbrite

Asian Coalition features Guest Speaker Leo Lishi Huang: Profiles of Courage & Resilience

Hosted by: Asian Coalition

12 August 2016 (Fri)

1:00pm - 3:00pm

Arcadia Mental Health Center

330 E. Live Oak Ave. Arcadia, CA 91006

FREE to public

Description: Join the Orange County Taiwanese Association for a morning hike along the Irvine South Lake. Estimated route is about 4 miles (1 hour). Meeting place will be at Irvine Woodbridge Movies 5.

Event Flyer

OCTA Hiking at Irvine South Lake

13 August 2016 (Sat)

8:30am - 9:30am

Irvine Woodbridge

Movies 5

54626 Barranca Pkwy, Irvine, CA 92604

FREE to public

Hosted by: OCTA

Hosted by: TAP-LA

Description: TAP-LA is proud to introduce our new ‘TA Artist Spotlight Series’, where we aim to showcase and highlight the immense talent of our Taiwanese American artistic community!

For our first installment, we are proud to present the screening of “Elevator” a film written and produced by Taiwanese American filmmaker Anthony Ma (LOVE ARCADIA), co-directed by Ryo Shiina and Bassem Wahbi. Don't miss your chance to see the film in its first ever public screening! 

Admission: Suggested donation of $7

Facebook Page

Reserve your tickets through Eventbrite

TA Artist Spotlight Series: "Elevator"

13 August 2016 (Sat)

7:00pm - 9:00pm

Cultural Center of TECO in Los Angeles

9443 Telstar Ave.

El Monte, CA 91731, U.S.A.

Open to public/ Tickets

Hosted by: Gourmet Taiwan- Overseas Quality Restaurant

Time for Taiwan Restaurant Month

Description: By simply enjoying a meal at one of the Overseas Taiwanese Quality Restaurants during the event, and sharing your favorite photo on the Gourmet Taiwan Facebook fan page, you will get the chance to win a round-trip airline ticket between the U.S. / Canada and Taiwan and other cool prizes!

凡於活動期間內,前往指定僑營臺灣美食餐廳用餐,並上傳用餐照片至活動貼文下方留言,就有機會獲得美加臺灣來回機票之大獎! 指定餐廳=>


For more information, visit: 


Facebook Page

11 July 2016

~ 14 August 2016 

FREE to public

Hosted by: Hsin Lei Dance Academy 欣蕾舞蹈藝術中心, Taiwanese Hakka Association of Southern California

Description: Representing Hsin-Chu County, the Hakka culture, and Taiwan on the international stage, the Hsin Lei Dance Academy will be performing a variety of artistic pieces at the Cultural Center of TECO in Los Angeles. This event is FREE to the public!

Event Flyer

About Hsin Lei Dance Academy 

Hsin Lei Dance Academy Website

Photo Gallery Part 1

Photo Gallery Part 2

Youtube: Video of the performance

Hsin Lei Dance Academy Performance

17 August 2016 (Wed)


Cultural Center of TECO in Los Angeles

9443 Telstar Ave.

El Monte, CA 91731, U.S.A.

FREE to public

Hosted by: 主辦單位:加州台灣同鄉聯誼會、 采風創意手工藝交流協會指導單位: 橙縣華僑文教服務中心贊助單位: 華興保險、 南加州東吳大學校友會

Community Life Seminar: Earthquake Emergency Response


Description: Join us for an informative seminar on earthquake prevention and response!


1. 南加州地區的斷層, 土質疏鬆地區, 有土壤液化可能地區 及容易發生土石流地區的分佈, 與華人密集居住地區的關連性;

2. 美國 聯邦, 州及地方政府的災難預防,救災及災後重建的機制;

3. 個人及家庭對地震災害的事前預防準備, 發生時的避難,及事後復建的注意事項及應變措施, 包含家庭有嬰兒, 學齡兒童, 老年人, 殘障人士, 及 寵物 等等的應變計劃; 及

4. 地震發生時, 在家裡, 在高樓大廈中, 在行走中, 在開車中, 在公共場所中, 及發生火災時的應變措施. 以及所謂的"救命的三角空間" ; 及

5. 其他都市災難的應變措施簡介 ( 車禍, 恐怖攻擊, 森林野火, 毒害性物資外洩, 海嘯, 氣溫過高或過低, 水/旱災, 等等)


Event Flyer

Photo Gallery

20 August 2016 (Sat)


FREE to public

Description: Join us for a fun "combined coffee workshop" as student Lu Jin Yun introduces us to the diversity and richness of Taiwan coffee and food culture! See the Facebook event page for more details.

洛杉磯華僑文教服務中心訂於8月25日(星期四)上午11時30分在華埠圖書閱覽室(地址:963 N. Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90012, USA)舉辦「台灣好咖」咖啡文化講座,活動由參加僑務委員會「複合式咖啡研習班」學員呂錦澐介紹台灣咖啡與飲食文化。該項活動是洛杉磯華僑文教服務中心在華埠圖書閱覽室舉辦的第12場講座,活動豐富、精彩,歡迎踴躍參加。

Contact: (626) 443-9999, (213) 625-7777

Facebook Event

Taiwan Coffee Culture Seminar 「台灣好咖」咖啡文化講座 洛城華埠舉行

Hosted by: Culture Center of TECO in LA 洛杉磯華僑文教服務中心

25 August 2016 (Thurs)

11:30am - 1:00pm

Reading Room of CCTECO in LA

963 N. Broadway, Los Angeles, CA 90012, USA

FREE to public

Hosted by: Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce of Orange County

Description: Join the Orange County Taiwanese Chamber of Commerce for a fun night of singing and dancing in celebration of the Mid-Autumn Festival! There will also be Taiwanese snacks: 台灣小吃;  肉粽, 挂包, 肉跟, 麻吉. Admission is free for TCCOC members and $15 per guest. Please contact for tickets!

Photo Gallery

TCCOC Mid-Autumn Festival Mixer & Karaoke Night

27 August 2016 (Sat)

1:00pm - 7:00pm


875 Fairway Dr, Walnut, CA 91789


Description: The Taiwanese American Chamber of Commerce Junior Chapter (TACCYCAG) will be hosting an Entrepreneur Mixer & Fall Kickoff! Come learn more about the power of hashtags and one-sentence pitches from their distinguished speakers. Both of them are serial entrepreneurs with various experiences in building startups from scratch. To learn more, visit the Facebook Event or Eventbrite page! Remember to RSVP!

**Light food and refreshments from 85C Bakery Cafe and Co Co Fresh Tea & Juice will be provided in the event.**

Facebook Event

Register here through Eventbrite

TJCLA - Entrepreneur Mixer & Fall Kickoff

Hosted by: TJC 台美青商 - Los Angeles, CTUA, USCTSA

27 August 2016 (Sat)

1:30pm - 6:30pm

FREE to public

Description: Please join us on Saturday, August 27th as we celebrate the end of another great TAP-LA year! Join the 2015-16 board for a fun filled evening as we look back on the culmination of all our great events (over 50!) this past year. Eat, drink, mingle, dance and meet even more new friends at our BIGGEST event of the year. Reserve your tickets through Eventbrite!

Contact: Jeanette Low:

Facebook Event

RSVP through Eventbrite

TAPLA Twilight Soiree: End of Year Celebration

Hosted by: TAPLA

27 August 2016 (Sat)

5:30pm - 11:30pm


Description: Learn the basics on how to grow your own vegetables and keep your garden flourishing! There will also be experts teaching us tips on how to grow fruit trees.



Event Flyer