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Past Events 2020

December 2020


Hosted by: CCTECO Santa Ana

Description: 分享會舉辦目的
鑑於美國新冠肺炎病毒病(COVID-19)染疫情再度攀高,臺灣有效且快速因應及控制疫情的「臺灣模式」(Taiwan Model),非常值得與僑界分享。本中心將於本年12月2日舉行「臺灣模式(Taiwan Model)成功防疫經驗分享會」,邀請僑務委員暨世界臺灣商會聯合總會顧問許清松、僑務委員暨橙縣僑界急難救助協會會長張德芝、僑務諮詢委員暨北美洲臺灣商會聯合總會副總會長林翠雲、僑務顧問暨北美洲臺灣商會聯合總會顧問張欣珠、柑縣臺美商會會長沈柏文、僑務顧問暨FASCA海外青年文化志工協會-橙縣分會諮詢導師張珮鑾、僑務促進委員暨南海岸中華文化協會理事長陳景星、柑縣臺灣同鄉會前會長張慧玲至橙僑中心「臺灣模式(Taiwan Model)成功防疫經驗分享會」直播現場,分享「臺灣模式」(Taiwan Model)及本中心服務區僑界的成功防疫經驗。同時,開放僑團成員及僑民線上參加。


Webex meeting invitation:
Join from the meeting link

Meeting number (access code): 126 825 2961
Meeting password: 9999

Facebook Event Page

臺灣模式 ~ Taiwan Model ~ 成功防疫經驗分享會

December (Wed) 

1:30pm - 3:00pm



Hosted by: TAP-OC

Description: Are you team "Holiday Season After Halloween" or "Holiday Season After Thanksgiving"? Regardless of when you start playing holiday music, you are invited to participate in our Secret Santa Virtual Gift Exchange!

Here are some key dates:
Monday 11/23 - last day to sign up for the gift exchange
Tuesday 11/24 - you will be assigned your secret santa via email
Wednesday 12/9 - gifts should be received by this date
Friday 12/11 - virtual gift opening! we will open our gifts together and find out who our secret santas are!
***please do not open your gift until the day of our virtual event***

Sign up through Elfster here (deadline 11/23):

If you want to provide your secret santa with more information, please fill out this form here: 

Facebook Event Page

TAP-OC Secret Santa Virtual Gift Exchange

11 December (Fri)

8:00pm - 10:00pm

Link to be emailed



Hosted by: ACEL-Socal, APEX

Description: Join us for a virtual holiday cookie baking and decorating competition, which will occur this Saturday, December 12, 2020 at 3:00 PM. 🍪

Be a contestant: show off your baking skills! Bake your favorite holiday cookie beforehand, and show off your unique cookie design during our event!

Be a judge: join the rest of the participants and be the judge to help decide which contestant has the best cookie design!
Door prizes will be given out to bakers!

This is a festive event, so holiday attires are WELCOME/ENCOURAGED! 😊

Register via this ZOOM link: 


Facebook Event Page

API Holiday Cookie Challenge!

12 December (Sat)

3:00pm - 4:00pm

Zoom, Facebook Live




Description: Created by Taiwanese American Citizens League (TACL), a two-day virtual festival of 11 interactive online sessions that is set out to connect the different generations of Taiwanese and Taiwanese Americans through a digital weekend escape to Taiwan.

We invite you to learn more about not only the culture and history of this community, but also explore how today's Taiwanese Americans are making change in this world.

Check back for further details about the festival agenda and how to join! Make sure to click "Interested" or "Going" to get updates.

Session descriptions can be found on our website:

Register for the interactive sessions at:

Facebook Event Page

TACL Now Boarding: TaiwanFest

12-13 December 

Saturday, Dec. 12 :: 10am-6pm PST 
Sunday, Dec. 13 :: 11am-5pm PST

Link to be emailed



Hosted by: TAP-OC

Description: Taiwanese American Professional Orange County will be creating thank you collage books to our dearest local firefighters that fought the recent Silverado Fires and now the current Bond Fires. We will be requesting from our members to submit a pdf or jpg of the colorful and decorative thank you message/card (hand drawn or digital creation are all accepted). Please upload any creative designs and we will share the final collage on the TAP-OC website!

Please note, you will need to login with your email address to upload your thank you card due to security.


Facebook Event Page


18 December (Fri)

6:00pm - 10:00pm


November 2020


Hosted by: CCTECO Santa Ana


i 臺灣線上開講 ~ 青商篇

i Taiwan Online Seminar ~ For Young Entrepreneur And The Younger Taiwanese American Generation

How To Invest And Start A Business In Taiwan

日期:2020年11月7日 (周六)
Date:11-7-2020 (Saturday)
時間:下午2:00 -4:00
Time:2:00 -4:00 PM


Presenter:Taiwanese Junior Chambers of Commerce of North America President Danny Chen、Board Member Cindy Lin

Webex Meeting number (access code): 126 537 9651
Webex Meeting password: 9999
Webex Meeting link :

Facebook Event Page

i Taiwan Online Seminar "How to Invest and Start a Business in Taiwan"
臺灣線上開講 ~ 青商篇:如何返臺投資、創業

November (Sat)

2:00pm - 4:00pm

FREE to public


Hosted by: ACEL, APEX


During these “unprecedented” times where business is no longer “as usual,” we could all use some motivation and direction when considering how to advance our careers. Pamela Lam, Vice President of Product Development at Henkel, will join us for our third webinar in the Women Empowerment Series to share her experiences overcoming challenges and being an Asian woman in the workplace. Pamela Lam will give us an in-depth look at how she climbed the corporate ladder as an Asian woman, her success plus her experiences in the industry, and how she managed to have a healthy work-life balance in the corporate sector.

Join us for a discussion about advancing your career, elevating your professional life, and embracing Asian culture in the workplace as Pamela Lam shares her personal experiences that led her to her corporate role with Henkel.

Register for the Zoom event here:

Facebook Event Page

ACEL APEX Women Empowerment Series: Chart Your Own Water

November (Mon)

5:30pm - 8:00pm



Hosted by: TAP-OC


Ready to unleash your inner Katniss and Legolas at our next Health & Wellness event? Learn how to shoot a bow from archery enthusiasts and bond with fellow attendees and Board members over a socially distanced picnic at the park!

This event is open to ALL LEVELS – no experience or equipment required. Archery will be held in two lanes (20 or 30 yards) with small groups of 2-3 people in each lane at a time.

*Please note that all shared archery equipment is set up for right-handed users and will be disinfected between each person. We also ask that attendees wear masks at all times unless eating or drinking. The event will be capped at 12 participants, so don't wait to sign up!

**To register for the event, please sign up via the Google Form. Thank you!**

If you have any questions or comments about our event or about TAP-OC, please message us directly on FB or IG. You can also e-mail us at

Facebook Event Page

TAP OC - Archery & Chill

14 November (Sat)

9:00am - 11:00am

Mile Square Park Free Archery Range
16801 Euclid St Fountain Valley, CA 92708



Hosted by: TAP-LA

Description: Come and join TAP-LA at our Men's Health & Wellness Webinar. Since November is the month for Men's Health issues join us in this informative webinar with Daniel Peng, CSCS Personal Trainer & TAP-LA's Health & Wellness Director Maryanne Peng a Mental Health coach.

Please pre-register at to receive the virtual meeting link & to submit your questions.

In our webinar we will cover:
- Mobility Work & No Equipment Workout
- Importance of Resistance Training
- Q & A about Workout & Nutrition
- Mental Health (Gut Brain Axis)
- Normalizing Mental Health Treatment
- Q & A about Mental Health
- Mental Health Resources


Facebook Event Page

TAP-LA Movember Health & Wellness Webinar

21 November (Sat)

11:00am - 12:00pm

Link to be emailed




Description: With Teleparty (formerly Netflix Party), we will watch Netflix together from the comforts of your home! Put on some PJs, grab your dinner and drink, and join TAP-NY as we watch Over the Moon, an animated musical adventure directed by Glen Keane and co-directed by John Kahrs, from a screenplay by Audrey Wells with the collaboration of Alice Wu and Jennifer Yee McDevitt. Teleparty, the Google Chrome extension, allows us to all watch the same movie in sync and chat on the side. This will be a nationwide TAP collaboration, so you will get a chance to meet members from across chapters!

Register thru Eventbrite

You will need to install the Google Chrome extension here and have Netflix to participate. This requires watching on Google Chrome.
*Netflix Party link to be shared with registrants prior to the event.


Facebook Event Page

TAP Watch Party: Over the Moon [Virtual]

22 November (Sun)

5:00pm - 7:00pm

Link to be emailed



Hosted by: TAP-LA

Description: Calling all LA Guys! Come in participate in our Movember Challenge aka No Shave November or the run/walk 60 miles for a chance to win a men's wellness gift bag at the end of November. Please fill out this google doc if you are interested in participating in this event.

If you are participating in the no-shave November please remember to take a before (clean shaven) and after photo.

For the people run/walking you will screen shot your total miles using whatever fitness app you use.

Movember is an annual event involving the growing of moustaches during the month of November to raise awareness of men's health issues, such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and men's suicide. Did you know that every hour globally we loose 60 men to suicide?

For more info on Movember or just want to donate to the cause please checkout


Facebook Event Page

TAP-LA Movember Challenge 2020

30 November (Mon)

12:00am - 12:00am

Link to be emailed


October 2020


Hosted by: TAP-OC

Description: Have you ever wanted to learn how to make a traditional mooncake? Or wondered how you could add your own twist on a traditional mooncake filling? Come join us for a virtual cooking demo where we'll show how to make a traditional lotus paste mooncake and how to make a matcha mooncake!

*Please look at the Facebook Event page for ingredient list & recipe.

Please pre-register via the Google form below to receive the meeting link:


Facebook Event Page

TAP OC MidAutumn x DoubleTen Mooncake Celebration

10 October (Sat)

2:00pm - 3:00pm

Link to be emailed



Description: 【亞美講座-聯邦健保及長期看護險
10-18(Sun) 3pm 歡迎線上參與】

您好, 歡迎參加講座.
亞美健康講座 ~ 聯邦健保及長期看護險
時間:10.18. 2020 (周日) 3:00 pm ~4:30 pm
方式: 歡迎WebEx 線上參與
1. Meeting number: 126 687 7955 password: 9999
2. 或點連結
主辦:亞美社會福利基金會      協辦:橙縣華僑文教服務中心


18 October (Sun)

3:00pm - 4:30pm

FREE to public

Hosted by: Asian-American Social Welfare  Foundation


Description: 【柑縣臺美商會10/24,10:30線上財務講座】



24 October (Sat)

10:30am - 12:30pm

FREE to public

Hosted by: TCCOC


Hosted by: CCTECO LA


Saturday, 10/24/2020 @ 1:30pm: Please join us on Facebook live this Saturday as Culture Center of TECO in El Monte (洛僑中心) welcomes two guest speakers, our very own: TACCLA Honorary President Jackson Yang (楊信) and TACCLA Honorary President Alan Thian (田詒鴻). There will be 10 @ $50 Amazon gift cards given away during the live event. See details below.

一、 主辦單位:洛僑中心。
二、 直播時間:民國109年10月24日(星期六)下午1點30分至4點。
三、 主講人:行政院政務顧問楊信(主題:青年創業的挑戰與展望)、行政院政務顧問田詒鴻(主題:青年職涯發展)。
四、 抽獎資格:
(一) 於洛僑中心官方粉絲專頁按讚。
(二) 觀看直播並留下對於座談會內容的提問(您的提問很有可能被現場採用喔!)。
五、 獎品及注意事項:
(一) 共抽出10人,每份獎品為50美元Amazon Gift Card。
(二) 小編將於座談會後進行抽獎,並在洛僑中心官方粉絲專頁公布得獎名單。
(三) 得獎者請於公布得獎名單後5個工作天內回覆小編其個人姓名及手機號碼,並於10個工作天內攜帶證件親自至洛僑中心(上班時間週二至週日上午10時至下午6時)領取獎品,逾期者恕不保留得獎資格。
(四) 本抽獎活動倘有未盡事宜以主辦單位解釋為準。


Facebook Event Page


24 October (Sat)

1:45 pm - 4:00pm

FREE to public


Hosted by: FASCA - OC

Description: 橙僑中心2020年10月24日舉行- i 臺灣線上開講 ~ 僑青篇 ~ 如何赴臺灣讀書、工作
橙縣華僑文教服務中心 ~ 誠摯邀請您
Cordially Invites You to Our
i 臺灣線上開講 ~ 僑青篇
i Taiwan Online Seminar ~ For The Younger Taiwanese American Generation
How To Apply For A School Or Job In Taiwan
時間:下午2:30 -4:30
Time:2:30 -4:30 PM
主講人:FASCA橙縣分會-張珮鑾 諮詢導師、僑青戴璦瑪
Presenter:FASCA-OC Mentor Polly Chang、Taiwanese American Youth Emma Davis
Webex Meeting number (access code): 126 818 0214
Webex Meeting password: 9999
Webex Meeting link :…

i Taiwan Online Seminar "How to Apply for a School or Job in Taiwan"

i 臺灣線上開講 ~ 僑青篇 ~ 如何赴臺灣讀書、工作

24 October (Sat)

2:30pm - 4:30pm

FREE to public


Hosted by: American Chinese Tea Culture Academy

Description: 【臺灣茶文化線上示範泡茶品茶技藝培訓-10/27(Tue)】
日期:    2020/10/27 星期二
時間:    14 : 00 - 15 : 30
主講人:楊綺真 茶藝老師
由茶道藝術家楊綺真 老師示範泡茶品茶技藝與認識茶的種類:

歡迎 Webex線上參與:
Meeting number: 126 980 6913   Password:9999
或點 Meeting link:


27 October (Tues)

2:00pm - 3:30pm

FREE to public


Hosted by: TAP-OC

Description: Did you hear a rumor that Halloween is cancelled? Well fear not because TAP-OC is keeping the spooky spirits alive virtually! Come join us for a night of trivia games and a costume contest!

If you would like to compete in our costume contest, please submit a photo through the sign-up form AND be ready to model your costume the day of our event.
We will have 3 categories (Scariest Costume, Most Original, and Best Last Minute Costume) and the winners will receive extra TAP-OC membership points for a chance to win a TAP-OC goodie bag at the end of the year.
Please keep costumes appropriate!

Virtual event will start with the costume presentations. We will allow for virtual voting while we play a couple rounds of Murder Mystery Trivia (you will need a smartphone!) and end with announcing the costume contest winners

Please fill out the sign up form here:

Facebook Event Page

TAP-OC Spook-TAP-cular Halloween Virtual Celebration

30 October (Fri)

8:00pm - 10:00pm

Link to be emailed



Description: 歡迎參加橙縣僑界急難救助協會線上社區講座 ~ "身份盜竊防範及應變”
線上社區講座 : "身份盜竊防範及應變”

日期: 10月31日(週六)
Webex Meeting Number: 126 475 1486
password: 9999


31 October (Sat)

2:00pm - 4:00pm

FREE to public

Hosted by: OCCNOC

September 2020


Hosted by: TAP-OC

Description: Get ready to bust a move at our virtual hip hop dance workshop! We will be learning a fun Beginner's piece from JD Vera Cruz, who will be joining us live from New Mexico! No experience required.

Please pre-register via the Google form below to receive the meeting link!


Facebook Event Page

TAP OC - Hip Hop Workshop

10 September (Thurs)

7:00pm - 8:00pm

Link to be emailed



Hosted by: TAFF, TAP-LA, Taiwan Academy - LA

Description: Join us for a conversation on the film and TV industry with two seasoned writers who are here to share their insights with the TAFF community!


“BREAKING IN – A Screenwriting Workshop” features guest hosts Kai Wu and April Shih.

Whether you are a seasoned TV or film writer or looking to break in to the industry, join us for the conversation as Kai and April discuss their journeys as writers, and share their recommendations for those looking for some industry insight. We will discuss topics such as how to find representation, different screenwriting styles, and how to embrace "writer’s block". We will also offer 15 minutes to workshop screenwriting pitches with attendees, so bring your elevator pitches to share with our closed group of workshop attendees for some live feedback from Kai and April! Q&A to follow.


Facebook Event Page

BREAKING IN – A Screenwriting Workshop

19 September (Sat)

10:30am - 12:00pm

Link to be emailed


20200930 THASC Hakka Cooking Event.png

Hosted by: CCTECO Santa Ana,  THASC

Description: Join the Taiwanese Hakka Association for their first virtual cooking demonstration! Our three chefs will be demonstrating some of their favorite Hakka dishes to share with you all. Tune in on Webex, Zoom, or Facebook Live!



參加方式 (遠距線上,不需報名):

1. Webex:

Meeting number : 126 611 1988

Meeting password: 0930

2. Zoom:

Meeting number: 214 851 5362

不須 Meeting password

3. Facebook Live:

Facebook Event Page

THASC Hakka Cooking Demo


30 September (Wed)

2:00pm - 4:00pm

FREE to public

August 2020


Hosted by: TAP-OC

Description: Our first online game night received lots of love from the attendees. So guess what? We are bringing the game night back to you again! 🤩🥳

TAP-OC invites you to play back into another summer Friday night at the comfort of your own home🏡. Enjoying the drink in your hand 🍹 and getting online with your friends for a fun night!

Sign up on the Google Form:

Facebook Event Page

TAP OC - Summer Game Night

August (Sat)

8:00pm - 10:00pm

Zoom link to be emailed



Hosted by: TAP-OC

Description: Whether we like it or not, many of us have started staying at home a lot more the past few months! But how do we stay healthy and get the nutrients we need to live life well during the current pandemic? Please join us as we learn some helpful tips and tricks for home cooking and healthy eating from Registered Dietitian Nutritionist, Joyce Dyer!

In this informative webinar, we will cover the following topics:
*General Nutrition
*How to Navigate a Grocery Store
*How to Read a Nutrition Label
*How to Stock your Pantry, Fridge, & Freezer
*Food Safety
*Important Minerals & Vitamins
*Healthy Meals & Snack Ideas
*Tips for Ordering Out
...and more!

We will also have a Q&A section!

Please pre-register by clicking below to receive the virtual meeting link:


Facebook Event Page

TAP OC - A Dietitian's Guide to Healthy Eating During a Pandemic

13 August (Thurs)

6:30pm - 7:30pm

Link to be emailed



Hosted by: TAP-LA

Description: Have you heard of Taiwanese Pizzas? If you saw the live-stream of Pizza Pies by APIs, you definitely saw Ying's Award-winning Taiwanese Twisted Stuffed Crust Pizza!!

For 10 exclusive spots, you will be invited to a fun, creative baking workshop remaking Ying's famous Taiwanese pizza. Space is limited for quality time learning and cooking with Ying! We'll have some WINE down time while baking, so BYOB 

Sign up ASAP:


Facebook Event Page

Taiwanese Pizza Baking Workshop by Ying Chian

30 August (Sun)

5:00pm - 7:00pm

Google Meet link to be emailed


July 2020


Hosted by: TAP-OC

Description: Wondering what else to do during the pandemic lock down at home? Do you have an adventurous soul? Are you looking for something fun with your friends?

To kick off the 4th of July long weekend, join the very first TAP-OC Stay-At-Home Scavenger Hunt with us! With the case numbers going up day by day😣, TAP-OC has been brainstorming about ways to keep us connected while keeping everyone home and safe☺️. On Thursday, we will break up into groups online and compete to see who’s the real Scavenger Hunt Master 👑


**Please sign up via the Google Form and click "Going" on this event page. We will send out the Zoom link via email to those who signed up on Google (please note that we will NOT post the link on this page).**

Google Registration:

Facebook Event Page

TAP OC - Stay At Home Scavenger Hunt

July (Thurs)

7:00pm - 8:00pm

Zoom link to be emailed



Hosted by: TAP-LA, PBP- LA, NAAAP-LA

Description: "If 2020 was a person…."

Between the impact of COVID-19 and the national uprisings against systemic racism and anti-blackness, 2020 has demanded extraordinary growth and adaptability for our Los Angeles Asian American community. Join an honest and open conversation among leaders of various volunteer Asian American organizations as they reflect on the past six months and look forward through the rest of 2020.

Join us on Facebook Live!

Facebook Event Page

Solidarity: The 2020 Evolution of Leadership

22 July (Wed)

6:00pm - 7:00pm

FREE to public


Hosted by: TAFF, TAP-LA, TAP-DC, Taiwan Academy

Description: Join us as we explore the history of Asian Americans in film and media past and present, and why our stories need to be heard now more than ever before.

This event will be streamed live on Facebook and YouTube. Register in advance on Eventbrite for a link to the recording, including a chance to submit questions you'd like to see discussed!

TAFF, TAP-LA, TAP-DC, and Taiwan Academy present "SEEN & HEARD: Filmmaking, Storytelling, and the Asian American Identity", an online event featuring guest panelists Kenny Leu, Nancy Wang Yuen, and Jason C. Lin.

Facebook Event Page

SEEN & HEARD: Filmmaking, Storytelling, & Asian American Identity

25 July (Sat)

2:00pm - 3:30pm

Facebook Live / Youtube Live

FREE to public



Description: Grab your popcorn and get ready to watch the ultimate Asian pizza cook-off! The best part? You will be the judge! Put on those judgemental Asian glasses and vote for your favorite pizza that snatched your heart!

Audience will be the judges during the live poll. The poll result will determine the winner for each of the following categories:
1. Presentation
2. Creativity
3. "Would You Try This?"
Competitors can win multiple categories too! The winner of each category will receive a fun prize 🙂

Facebook Live:

Facebook Event Page

Pizza Pies by APIs

26 July (Sun)

12:00pm - 1:30pm

FREE to public


Hosted by: TAP-OC

Description: If you've been missing our weekly Tuesday workouts, you're in luck, because we're back with a special one time engagement! Please join us for a virtual 30-min Tabata session followed by a 15-min foam rolling demo led by David Valle, DC!

Dr. David is a chiropractor at True Health & Wellness in Tustin, CA. He studied Kinesiology and has more than 10 years of personal training experience!

Webex Meeting link:
Meeting number: 133 411 8965
Password: TAPOC2020 

Facebook Event Page

TAP OC - Tabata Tuesday & Foam Roller 101

28 July (Tues)

6:00pm - 7:00pm


Meeting number:

133 411 8965
Password: TAPOC2020 

FREE to public

June 2020



Description: LA x OC Asian Pacific Islander non-profit organizations are partnering together to raise funds to feed our healthcare workers while supporting local Asian owned restaurants during this COVID-19 pandemic.
We will purchase meals from businesses that support our organizations and communities, and have them safely delivered to healthcare heroes in our network. Depending on the donation policy of the medical facility, we may also donate gift cards.

GoFundMe link:

Facebook Event Page

LAxOC API Covid-19 Relief Fund

June (Wed)



FREE to public



Description: How can we amplify Asian American voices? How can we better serve our community? Join this FACEBOOK LIVE event and learn more about Asian-American professional orgs in LA and OC! Hear from leaders of seven organizations talk about their orgs, how fun and rewarding it is to be part of this community, and what it's like working together for our joint initiative, the LA x OC API COVID Relief Fund. See if there's an org or two you want to get involved in!

Join the FB Live here:

Learn more about the fund here:

See our Silent Auction here:

Facebook Event Page

7 Not-So-Subtle Asian Professional Orgs in LA/OC Meet and Greet

12 June (Fri)

6:00pm - 7:30pm

Facebook Live

FREE to public

May 2020


Hosted by: TAP

Description: Join Taiwanese American Professionals in part 2 of our 3 part series about Mental Health in Asian Americans. In this series, we are hosting speakers across mental health professionals to discuss Asian Americans and the importance of caring for our mental health.

This virtual session is titled "Fighting the Stigma: Model Minority Myth," and we will be covering the following topics/activities:
-What is mental health stigma and the model minority myth
-Generational differences in mental health views
-Mindfulness activity: Body scan

Please register on the Eventbrite link. We will email registrants with details on how to access the virtual meeting prior to the event. 

Question(s) form:

RSVP via Eventbrite

Facebook Event Page

TAP Mental Health Series - Fighting the Stigma

May (Sat)

11:00am - 12:00pm

Link to be emailed



Hosted by: TAP

Description: Join Taiwanese American Professionals in the last of our 3 part series about Mental Health in Asian Americans. With our panel of Mental Health Professionals, we will discuss Asian Americans & the importance of caring for our mental health.

Topics for this virtual session will be:
- How to recognize when somebody needs Mental Health support
- How to help a friend or family member: What to say/What not to say
- Community resources
- Q&A to follow
Please pre-register with the Eventbrite link above. 

RSVP via Eventbrite

Facebook Event Page

TAP Mental Health Series - Building a Mental Health Community

May (Sat)

11:00am - 12:00pm

Link to be emailed



Hosted by: TECO - Houston, Ten Drum Art Percussion Group

Description: TECO in Houston partnered with Discovery Green and Asia Society Texas Center to bring Ten Drums to audiences in the U.S. The Ten Drum Art Percussion Group, a percussion band based in Taiwan, will lead the 75-minute family-friendly musical performance. The presentation promises a feast of lights and sounds, with artists beating man-size drums as the centerpiece. The concert will be live streamed on YouTube and Facebook while the group performs in real time in Taiwan.

For more information:

07:00 pm to 08:15 pm (PDT) / 09 :00 P.M. to 10:15 P.M. (CST)


Live streaming Link 1:

Live streaming Link 2:

Live streaming Link 3:

「Drumming up Hope」 Livestream Concert

22 May (Fri)

7:00pm - 8:15pm

FREE to public


Hosted by: TAP - OC

Description: Tired of social distancing and out of Netflix shows to watch? Want a place to have a laugh, feel connected again, and talk about anything besides COVID-19? We heard you! 🤩🥳
TAP-OC invites you to play back into your Friday night no matter where you are. Grab as many drinks as you want, and join us for a social Game Night at the comfort of your choice 🎲🎳
👑 I want to play 👑
Great! At the time of the event, join us on a Zoom meeting (meeting link below). The game host of each breakout room will explain to you the rules. Afterwards, BYOB & enjoy the games and chatting with your peers! 

Zoom meeting:
(Meeting ID: 886 8801 6462)
(Password: T@pOCG@m3)

Facebook Event Page

TAP OC - TGIF Game Night Social

22 May (Fri)

8:00pm - 10:00pm

Meeting ID: 886 8801 6462
Password: T@pOCG@m3

FREE to public


Hosted by: TAP - LA

Description: Welcome to TAP-LA's Settlers of CATAP Tournament!

If you are a contestant, be sure to check your email for the link to join your respective game. We look forward to seeing you Saturday afternoon!

First Tournament: May 30th @ 1:00 PM (PDT)
Final Tournament: May 30th @ 3:00 PM (PDT)

Tournament will be held on and you are recommended to check it out ahead of time and get familiar with the system. You will be randomly assigned to a private game with three other contestants. There will be three concurrent games (10 confirmed contestants) in the first round. The winner of each game will be able to compete in the final tournament (3 contestants). The ultimate winner will win a prize sponsored by TAP-LA.

We will also host a few practice rounds to introduce and walkthrough some features. Stay tuned for link to join!
Practice Round #1 May 24th @ 6:00 PM (PDT)
Practice Round #2 May 25th @ 6:00 PM (PDT)

Questions: please contact Cindy at

Sign up here

Facebook Event Page

TAP-LA Settlers of CaTAP Tournament

30 May (Sat)

1:00pm - 4:00pm

FREE to public

April 2020


Hosted by: TAP

Description: TAP-SD and TAP Chapters nationwide are excited to present Eric Tsai, of Outreach for Taiwan (OFT), for a virtual seminar into the Taiwanese Identity.

Join us for an online Facebook Live virtual event incorporating a wealth of perspectives as Eric breaks down the complexities of Taiwanese identity: what it means to be “Taiwanese,” the differences between generations, and the multitude of factors that make up Taiwan’s cultural identity today.

We hope to e-see you there, from the comfort of your own home, for an enlightening and informative session to learn more about what is “Taiwanese,” and how it is relevant today.


Facebook Event Page

Taiwanese Identity: Breaking down the Taiwanese Diaspora

April (Sat)

10:00am - 11:30am

Facebook Live

FREE to public


Hosted by: TALA

Description: 台美律師協會將在四月十六日舉行網路線上座談會,台美律師協會的專業律師將討論新冠疫情對企業與勞工的重大法律影響。這個座談會將通過網絡視頻會議形式舉行,免費向公眾開放。此次網路座談以中文為主。歡迎大家參加。
請輸入以下線上座談會的會議ID: Meeting ID: 626 385 8881

Join the Taiwanese American Lawyers Association for a live roundtable discussion from practicing attorneys regarding COVID-19's impact on employment, job loss, available relief, government benefits, and unemployment insurance.
The discussion will be FREE and held in Mandarin for Chinese-speaking attendees seeking information about changes to their employment or loss of work due to the pandemic.


Facebook Event Page

TALA Conversation on Covid-19 Employment Issues (in Mandarin)

16 April (Thurs)

2:00pm - 3:00pm

Meeting ID 626 385 8881

FREE to public


Hosted by: TAP-OC

Description: Time to bring to happy hour your most loyal WFH colleague - your pets 😻🐶🐹🐰🐷🐔🦔🦜!! TAP-OC and TAP-LA jointly present to you the “Pawty Animal TAPpy Hour”! Virtually show off your best paw-friends with your best human friends online while enjoying the Saturday afternoon with a glass of (or many glasses of) wine (or boba) at home. Pets make WFH a little better, so let’s have an un-fur-gettable TAPpy hour with them 

Meeting link:
Meeting number:
297 097 348
P8ZiX3H2e7K (78949342 from phones and video systems)

Facebook Event Page

TAP-OC Pawty Animal TAPpy Hour

18 April (Sat)

4:00pm - 6:00pm


Meeting number:
297 097 348

(78949342 from phones and video systems)

FREE to public


Hosted by: TAP

Description: Join Taiwanese American Professionals in part 1 of our 3 part series about Mental Health in Asian Americans. With our panel of Mental Health Professionals, we will discuss Asian Americans & the importance of caring for our mental health.

Topics for this virtual session will be:
"Coping During a Crisis: COVID-19"
-Macro/Microagressions and how to Handle Them
-Strengthening Social Networks During Social Distancing
-Mindfulness/Journaling Activity
-Q&A to follow

RSVP via Eventbrite
Details on how to access the virtual meeting will be emailed to registrants prior to the event.

Questions for the panelists can be submitted anonymously via


Facebook Event Page

TAP Mental Health Series - Coping During a Crisis: Covid-19

25 April (Sat)

11:00am - 12:00pm

Link to be emailed


March 2020


Hosted by: TAP-OC

Description: March 8th is International Women's Day. Join us in celebrating the social, economic, cultural and political achievements of women!

Women run the world! You can ask our TAP Lady president for proof of that. Come meet other TAP members and network with other ladies working in different industries in the OC.

Come grab some Taiwanese Breakfast Sandwiches and Milk Tea while mingling with fellow TAP Ladies.

Attire: Business Casual

TAP OC board members will be setting up cameras to provide headshots!

Please RSVP here: 

Facebook Event Page

TAP OC - International Women's Day Networking Brunch

 March (Sun)

11:00am - 1:00pm

L'uxweet Bakery Cafe-Tustin

12932 Newport Ave #7th, Tustin, CA 92780



Hosted by: TAP-OC

Description: Come out and battle the wits and wizards in board games and card games. Test your knowledge on the latest census facts for the 2020 Census launch while being entertained with matcha boba delight!
What is your favorite board game ♟??? Share some of your favorite game to game night and challenge other like minded board gamers!
Grab your boba bae and spend some quali-tea time at Matcha Maiko on 3/10! Come out around 630PM to meet some of the Board and fellow members.
Print & show this flyer all-day and 15% of your order will be donated to TAP-OC! Help us fundraise while filling your need for boba 🤗 Available all day, so grab your friends, family and co-workers for a boba run!
Download to print here :

Facebook Event Page

    TAP OC - Game Night & Boba Fundraiser

10  March (Tues)

6:30pm - 8:30pm

FREE to public


Hosted by: TAP-LA

Description: There's a lot of information out there regarding the COVID-19 pandemic. TAP-LA has several doctors and other trusted medical professionals available to help answer questions and eliminate any misinformation that is out there!
Please email questions to, and we will try to answer them on the TAP-LA website and FB page. Your questions will appear as anonymous. We are taking questions on rolling basis and answering them as they come until March 31st.


Facebook Event Page

Crush Covid-19 Myths with TAPpy Medical & Health Professionals

21  March (Sat)